Th above Quranic verse urges us to give from our income and possessions, whether in public or in private, as the rewards from Allah far outweigh any worldly gain. Allah promises His believers protection from fear and grief.

Sadaqah, a voluntary act of charity, is offered to those in need for the sake of Allah. It can be given at any time and in any amount, whether it's a cent or a hundred dollars, as the reward from Allah is immeasurably gratifying. Sadaqah is highlighted in the Holy Quran and strongly emphasized by our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW).


Our journey began over three years ago, when we reached out to fifteen orphaned Somali families, offering essential supplies like food, water, and shelter. With increasing donations over the years, we've been able to extend our reach, providing vital aid to communities across various regions of Somalia. Our relief efforts have positively impacted numerous families in need, and we're committed to continuing our mission to make a lasting and meaningful difference in these communities